Men Cook Better Than Women

Men Cook Better Than Women! 💪

There has been a lot of talk about who cooks better or who dominates the kitchen. No need to worry because we are here to settle once and for all the questions surrounding if men cook better than women. Before we dive deep into this gender war on cooking, I ask that you please read our post in its entirely to truly understand our answer. After reading you can form your own conclusion and perhaps have a different perspective if you believe you’ve identified who is the better cook.  

Ultimately, our goal is to potentially start a change in societal norms. With the world Changing so much, it’s time to make an impact and start a change in the home, food and dining space industry as well. For example, below I have identified a series of popular questions and provided answers that may give you food for thought. 🥗 Well without any hesitation, let’s dive in! 

Is Cooking a Man’s or Woman’s Job? 

Our goal is to break the standard of identifying whose job it is to cook. It is no one’s job to cook for anyone. I believe the question, is cooking a man’s or woman’s Job to be an outdated one. When it comes to cooking, it is an essential skill that everyone should learn and take every opportunity to master the skill of cooking. With practice you may be able to cook better than your mother. Regarding gender roles, everyone should make an effort to stop demanding women to stay in the kitchen. Now, I do understand the history of women cooking, as this was an avenue women use to get men to fall in love. ❤️ With cooking as a love tactic, many ask should a woman cook for a man? 

Should A Woman Cook for a Man? 

When it comes to your significant other, you should always cook. The effort and time it take to prepare a meal shows how much you care about someone. So, to answer the question should a woman cook for a man? No one should be obligated to do anything in the kitchen. Men should cook for their woman, just as it is commonly known that women cook for their men. If you are looking for some ideas on what to prepare, our brown stew fish and pepper shrimp is a favorite.  

We have received pushback from many people since cooking is a male dominated industry, but there are many female foodies making a significant impact. 

Is Cooking a Male Dominated Industry? 

Chefs like Hilda Baci, Mariya Russell, and Ashleigh Shanti just to name a few have made a major impact within the industry. We cannot argue that cooking is dominated by men, but I wouldn’t be surprised in the coming years that women catch up to make it an equal playing field. Although women do not dominate the industry, we can confidently say throughout history women have dominated cooking in the kitchen. Here at Karibe, we identified cooking as our sport. Our cooking tools and recipes are what we use to be successful. I ask that you participate in this sport and embrace a little friendly competition in the kitchen.

 Friendly Competition in The Kitchen 

A little competition doesn’t hurt. In fact, it will improve your cooking skills. How about you challenge a friend or a loved one of the another gender and have a cook off? Round up friends and family who will be unbiased and have them be the judge. Make it friendly and have the loser clean up. Let us give you a friendly tip. You’ll want to upgrade your cookware. Take a look at our utensils set or cast-iron skillet as it is a fan favorite here. Remember this is a friendly competition in the kitchen, so don’t take it personal if it does not work out in your favor. 😊

In Closing 

To wrap it up, I don’t believe either gender cooks better than the next. I’m certain we all have strengths and weaknesses. If you disagree, please voice your comments below. All I ask is that if you disagree, please keep it friendly. 😊 I hope that you accept our challenge and have a cook off. If you find another way to test your cooking skills, please share in the comments below. I am curious about what you could have come up with. If you are having a mental block, share this post and see if you can get some help from your loved ones. 

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