Don’t get up tight and question your cooking skills. The first thing we want to say is please do not compare yourself to your mother. Mom’s cooking is baked with so many advantages such as family secrets and traditions to name a few. After reading our post you will improve as a foodie and learn how to potentially cook better than your mother. Take a step back from your competitive nature and use this as an opportunity to cook with love. ❤️ We are certain this approach will certainly improve your cooking skills. Then you can hold the mantle and be responsible for bringing down all the knowledge to the next generation. Well, let’s jump in and determine why you can’t cook as good as your mother!
You Can’t Cook
It is not that you can’t cook, but your mother has hidden gems. For example, using a 10” cast iron skillet or techniques on how to season your poultry. ? So, saying that you can’t cook is a little misleading. It’s just that you may not have put in your 10,000 hours or using the best cooking tools. ? With years of practice and being taught by your grandmother, mom possesses skills what some would call tribal knowledge. Mom grew up in an era where technology isn’t as prevalent as it is today, which means she relied more on community and of course family. ?
Family History
The beauty of family traditions is that they are rich in family beliefs. This is your mother’s advantage, which will now give you the opportunity to cook better than your mother. Your mother was blessed with hidden family tips and tricks from your grandmother, and the great mothers before. Years of practicing and experimenting with recipes that cannot be found anywhere, but in your mother’s recipe book. It not necessarily that mom’s cooking is better, but she just has years of experience ahead of you. Embrace your family history and incorporate everything you can learn into your own techniques.
Mom Cooks Better
The beauty of mothers cooking better is that if you decide to embrace this chapter in your life, you can one day say to your children, “Mom Cooks Better”. ? All your rich family history, tricks and tips you’ve learned can now be applied to your everyday cooking. Another advantage that you have, is the saying we have here at Karibe is that “no one cooks better than mom”. Now do not get too cocky because you know how it feels to be on the other end of the stick. Use this as an opportunity to put your own spin on your meals and teach the next generation.
Cook Better Than Your Mother
One thing we ask is that you accept the challenge and try to cook better than your mother or at a minimum come up to par. To give yourself an edge you will need a reliable cast iron skillet and utensils set. Make it fun and create a friendly wager. Have a cook off and have your loved one’s judge who is the best cook. Whatever you decide to do please share in the comments below. This may inspire fellow foodies to get creative.
In Closing
To wrap it up, you should be happy that there is another level to improve your cooking abilities. We ask that you please share this with your friends and family. You can be the one to inspire a trend to motivate fellow foodies to cook better than their mothers and perhaps keep up with family tradition. If you believe we missed anything that gives our mothers the edge, please share in the comments below. We appreciate your feedback!